Home / Offseting Tool / Family of Altruists 1 month

One Month Offset

-4.7t of CO2


$ 35 .40

An average family of 3-5 altruists. This package assumes a family of 3: 2 parents and a baby, living in an average home, with 2 cars and a A comprehensive and diverse nutrition plan. It assumes a baby diapers, books, toys, and food.

How it Works?

Did you know that every time you use your car, computer or cell phone, you emit greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming? These gases accumulate in the atmosphere and alter the climate balance of our planet, causing droughts, floods, fires, and loss of biodiversity.With our offsetting tool, you can choose the package that best suits your lifestyle and budget, and we’ll take care of the rest.

How trees affect?

Trees are living organisms that perform a vital function for the planet: photosynthesi This process consists of absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and converting it into oxygen and organic matter. In this way, trees help reduce the concentration of CO2, one of the main greenhouse gases that cause global warming. In addition, trees store carbon in their wood, leaves and soil, preventing it from returning to the atmosphere.

What Does Offseting mean to Back To Forest?

We at Back To Forest are not satisfied with just “offsetting” our impact on the planet. We think that’s like saying “sorry” after stepping on someone’s toes. We want to do more than apologize, we want to make things better. That’s why we are passionate about planting trees, the most awesome creatures on earth. Trees are not only beautiful, they also provide oxygen, shade, habitat, food and many other benefits. Our offset toolkit lets you choose from different packages that suit your budget and preferences. Whether you want to plant a single tree or a whole forest, we make it easy, affordable, fun and effective. Join us today and let’s get Back to Forest!

Where do we plant trees?

We work with 2 reforestation projects in Madagascar and Tanzania.to plant many species of trees including mangroves that are one of the most efficient carbon sequestering trees in the world and planting them provides much more than a carbon impact for our planet.

The Math

Cars0.845 MT CO2
Flights0.276 MT CO2
Hotels0.065 MT CO2
Phones1.17 MT CO2
Netflix0.288 MT CO2
Food0.55 MT CO2
Energy for housing0.625 MT CO2
Baby Food0.27 MT CO2
Diapers0.018 MT CO2
Clothes0.598 MT CO2
Stroller0.027 MT CO2
Books0.0045 MT CO2
Toys0.0009 MT CO2
Total4.7 MT CO2


The average car uses about 404 grams of CO2 per mile. To translate from miles to kilometres, we divide miles by 1.609, and simultaneously divide grams by 1.609. This means the average car uses about 251 grams of C02 per kilometer.

(divide by 1.609) 1: 404grams (divide by 1.609)

0.6214: 251grams

The average American drives 20,200km per year, so we can multiply the amount of kilometres by the emission factor 251grams CO2 per kilometer. This gives us a total of 3,815,200 grams of C02 per year.

251 grams of C02 / kilometer x 15,200 km = 5,070,000 grams of C02 per year

In order to change grams to metric tons, we multiply grams by 0.0000001 which gives us 3.185 metric tons of C02 per year.

5,070,000 grams C02 per year x 0.000001 = 5.07 metric tons of C02 per year

If this couple has two cars this would be a total of 10.14 MT CO2 per year

10.14 MT / 12 months= 0.845 MT CO2 per month


Planes emit 115g CO2 per kilometer. We use the conversion factor 0.000001 to get from grams to metric tons and we get 0.000115 MT of CO2 per kilometer of air travel.

115grams x 0.000001 = 0.000115 MT Carbon

Let’s assume that over the year this couple flies from Vancouver to Toronto twice per year, which is 6,710km round trip and 13,420 for two trips. They also fly to Europe once per year, this year they go to Denmark which is 7,680km one way, and 15,360km both ways. In total, this couple is flying 28,780km per year. To break this down monthly we divide total kilometers flown by 12 which is 2,398km per month.

In order to get the total emissions, we multiply 0.000115 by 2,398 km and get 0.276 MT CO2.

0.000115 MT x 2,398= 0.276 MT CO2


Hotels emit about 31kg of CO2 per room per night. Assuming this couple stays at hotels 30 nights per year during their vacations, and each night emits 31kg CO2, they will emit a total of 930kg of CO2 from hotels. To break this down monthly we divide 930kg of C02 by 12 which is 77.5kg of CO2.

30 x 31kg = 930kg CO2

930kg CO2 / 12 = 77.5kg of CO2

In order to change this number from kilograms of CO2 to metric tons of CO2 we use the conversion factor 0.001.

77.5kg CO2 x 0.001= 0.078 MT CO2


If a person uses their phone for one hour per day over a year they would emit 1.4 tonnes of CO2. Monthly this equates to 1.4 / 12 = 0.117 tonnes of C02.

The average person spends 3-5 hours per day on their phone. Which means over a month a couple would emit 1.17 tons of CO2 for phone usage.

0.117 tons CO2 x 5 hours x 2 people= 1.17 MT of CO2


Every half hour of Netflix watched emits 1.6kg of CO2. Since the average person watches 1.5 hours of Netflix per day, we multiply emissions per hour, by hours per day to get total emissions per day.

1.5 hours per day is equal to 3,30 minute segments.

1.6kg CO2/ half hour x 3 half hours = 4.8kg CO2 per day

To find the monthly total we multiply emissions per day by an average of 30 days in the month, this calculation gives us 144 kg CO2 over one month.

4.8kg of CO2 x 30 days = 144 kg CO2

In order to change kilograms into metric tons, we use the conversion factor of 0.001 tons for every kilogram. When we multiply 144 kg of CO2 by the conversion factor, we get 0.144 MT of CO2 emissions per month.

144kg CO2 x 0.001 = 0.144 MT CO2 per month

For two people, this would emit 0.288 MT CO2 per month.

0.144MT CO2 x 2 = 0.288 MT CO2


A person with a diet including a lot of meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables and cereals emits 0.275 MT CO2 per month. This means for two people, 0.55MT of CO2 would be emitted.

0.275 MT CO2 x 2 people = 0.55 MT CO2

Energy for Housing

The average household emits 0.625 MT of CO2 per month including laundry, showers, heating and cooling and appliances.

Baby Food

The average baby drinks 750ml of milk per day, in order to convert this number into kilograms we use the conversion factor 0.001 and get 0.75kg

750ml of milk x 0.001 = 0.75 kg of milk

In order to calculate the total amount of milk over one month we multiply 0.75kg per day by 30 days.

0.75kg x 30 days = 22.5 kg of milk per month

Each kg of milk generates 12 kilograms of CO2, so when we multiply 22.5 kilograms of milk by 12 kg we get the total CO2 emissions from milk.

22.5 kg of milk x 12 kg CO2 = 270 kg CO2

In order to convert kg CO2 into metric tons CO2 we will use the conversion factor 0.001 which gives us 0.27 MT CO2.

270 kg CO2 x 0.001 = 0.27 MT CO2


Over 2.5 years diapers emit 550kg of carbon emissions. This means over a year’s time diapers would emit 220 kg CO2.

550 kg / 2.5 years =220 kg per year

Then we divide by 12 to get emissions per month

220 kg / 12 months = 18.3 kg per month

In order to convert kilograms of CO2 into metric tons CO2 we will use the conversion factor 0.001 which gives us 0.018 MT CO2 over a month.

18.3 kg CO2 x 0.001 = 0.018 MT CO2


Let’s assume your manufacturer is 7,800 kilometers away and since your baby is growing a lot, you get 8 shipments per year. Each kilometer of flying emits 0.000115MT CO2. Clothing total emissions would equal 7.176 MT CO2

7800km x 0.000115grams x 8 = 7.176 MT CO2

Then we divide by 12 to get emissions per month

7.176 MT CO2 / 12 = 0.598 MT C02


The carbon emissions of a stroller is 321 kg CO2, in order to convert kg CO2 into metric tons CO2 we will use the conversion factor 0.001, and we get a total of 0.321 MT CO2

321 kg CO2 x 0.001 = 0.321 MT CO2

Then we divide by 12 to get emissions per month

0.321 MT CO2 / 12 = 0.027 MT C02


The carbon footprint of an individual book is 2.7kg CO2. Let’s assume the average baby has 20 books at home. If we multiple 20 books by 2.7kg CO2 per book, we get 54kg CO2.

2.7kg x 20 books = 54 kg CO2

In order to convert kg CO2 into metric tons CO2 we will use the conversion factor 0.001 which gives us 0.054 MT CO2

54kg CO2 x 0.001 = 0.054MT CO2


Regular stuffed animals emit 0.8kg CO2 each and stuffed animals with a battery emit 1.4kg CO2 each.

Assuming a baby has 10 regular stuffed animals, and two stuffed animals with batteries, we would get a total of 10.8kg CO2.

(0.8kg CO2 x 10) + (1.4kg CO2 x 2) = 10.8 kg of CO2

In order to convert kg CO2 into metric tons CO2 we will use the conversion factor 0.001 which gives us 0.0108 MT CO2.

10.8kg CO2 x 0.001 = 0.0108 MT CO2

Then we divide by 12 to get emissions per month

0.0108 MT CO2 / 12 = 0.0009 MT CO2


In total a family of 3 would emit about 4.7 MT CO2 per month

Link – Car Emissions – https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/greenhouse-gas-emissions-typical-passenger-vehicle
Link – Phone Emissions – https://nypost.com/2019/05/01/a-year-of-cell-phone-use-emits-as-much-CO2-as-two-round-trip-flights/
Link – Average Phone Use – https://www.inc.com/melanie-curtin/are-you-on-your-phone-too-much-average-person-spends-this-many-hours-on-it-every-day.html
Link – Food Emissions – https://www.greeneatz.com/foods-carbon-footprint.html
Link – Household Emissions – https://www.ccfpd.org/Portals/0/Assets/PDF/Facts_Chart.pdf
Link – Formula Emissions – https://internationalbreastfeedingjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13006-019-0243-8
Link – Amount Formula Per Day – https://www.momjunction.com/breast-milk-calculator/#gref
Link – Household Emissions – https://www.ccfpd.org/Portals/0/Assets/PDF/Facts_Chart.pdf
Link – Diaper Emissions – https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-45732371
Link – Stroller Emissions – https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10042857.2012.10685103
Link – Book Emissions – https://www.researchgate.net/publication/255699164_Carbon_Footprint_Assessment_of_a_Paperback_Book
Link – Amount of Books – https://curiosity.com/topics/having-books-in-the-home-is-as-important-to-your-child-as-your-own-education-curiosity/
Link – Stuffed Animal Emissions – https://via.library.depaul.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1141&context=depaul-disc
Link – Shipping Emissions – https://www.carbonindependent.org/22.html
Link – Flight Emissions – https://www.carbonindependent.org/22.html
Link – Carbon Emisssions of Netflix – https://www.livemint.com/companies/news/half-hour-of-netflix-leads-to-emissions-of-1-6kg-of-co2-equivalent-climate-experts-11572240109579.html
Link – Average Time on Netflix – https://time.com/4186137/netflix-hours-per-day/

Your planted trees will be verified

Your trees will be in the digital forest of Tree Nation and in the section Our Wood in our store

Survival & Positive impact Guarantee

The trees are native to the region and monitored and protected to ensure their long-term impact.